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Adoption essay topics

Adoption essay topics

adoption essay topics

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Adoption Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Even though it is legal in all 50 states for a single adult to adopt a child, there is still a negative attitude on placing adoptee children with single adults in the adoption process. This problem exists due to the fact that millions of children remain in the adoption system waiting to be adopted, despite the fact that there are numerous suitable single adults wanting to adopt these children.

Since the adoption process is made more difficult for single adults due to discrimination, many children remain without a home. There are a large amount of willing single adults in the U.

that are more than willing to adopt, love and care for the unwanted children in the adoption system. If more children in the adoption system can be placed with eligible and loving single adults, then they will adoption essay topics a better chance of having a more stable and successful life.

The discrimination that single parents experience when attempting adoption essay topics adopt an unwanted child requires multiple perspectives in order to be fully discussed. The unwanted children in the adoption system are a huge societal problem that needs to be addressed. It is especially a problem when there a people out there that want to take care of these children, adoption essay topics.

An interdisciplinary approach also needs to be taken because there is not one area or subject that can provide a sufficient solution to this social problem. The first discipline that will give us a better understanding adoption essay topics this complex social problem would be the Sociology.

According to the Journal of the American Planning Association, the structure of family has changed over the last 40 years due to several factors such as, the rising divorce rate, the increase in cohabitating couples and rising unemployment rates. The nuclear family is no longer the norm and many families are headed by single parents. These factors alone should make the adoption process fair and more acceptable when it comes to single adult homes versus two-parent homes.

The next discipline that can give us a better perspective on the discrimination of single adults in the adoption process would be Economics. If single adults were considered as equal as two parent families in the adoption process then more children can be put into more homes and the financial burden on the state will be greatly reduced. According to the U. According to the National Council for Adoption NCFAadoption essay topics, as of aboutchildren were in need of a home.

That is approximately 2 billion dollars that the government has to pay to care for these unwanted children. If more single adults were allowed to adopt, adoption essay topics, then that cost can be greatly reduced. The third discipline that will help in addressing this problem will be Psychology.

Children in need of adoption will have a better chance of psychologically wellbeing if adoption essay topics are out in a stable home, adoption essay topics, even if it is the home of a single adult, rather than them staying in the foster care system waiting on a two-parent home. A child may have just as equal as adoption essay topics chance of psychological wellbeing in a single adult home as they would in a two-parent home. Since the very beginning with the very first adoption laws, there have been laws in most states that allow single parents to adopt according to the American Adoption Project.

With single parents being eligible to adopt legally there was a negative attitude geared towards single adults in the adoption process especially at the beginning of the twentieth century. During this time period it was stigmatic to be a single parent whether the child was born out of wedlock or if a single adult was adoption essay topics to adopt, adoption essay topics.

The purpose of this paper is to bring to light the ongoing bias that occurs against the numerous amounts of single adults pursuing adoption and hopefully bring an end to the bias against the single adults who want to nurture and provide a loving home for the unwanted children in the foster care system.

With Discrimination of single adults in the adoption process has a negative impact not only on the children that are in dire need of stable and loving homes, but discrimination of single adults in the adoption process also has a negative impact on the single, potential parents that are ready and willing to provide a home for children that are unwanted by the rest of society. The problem with discriminating against single adults in the adoption process not only alienates a major population in America, but the children in need have a decreased chance at a stable home and end up waiting in the system if no one else adopts them.

As of there were overchildren in the U. that were in some form of foster care. Of thoseadoption essay topics, children that were in foster care, , over half being male, were waiting to be adopted; meaning the parental rights of their biological parents had been terminated. Almost of these children were runaways, adoption essay topics, and the rest were divided amongst government institutions, and foster homes.

Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System, With two-parent homes being the preference for an adoptee rather over single parents, many of these children age out of the adoption system without ever being placed in a permanent home. With these children coming from abusive families, without knowing where they came from at all or without the stability that they need as a child, adoption essay topics, they can end up becoming unstable adults which can have a negative adoption essay topics on society.

They may not get the help that they need to overcome their unfortunate circumstance, and therefore more likely not to experience stable adulthood also. According to a study conducted on foster children aged out of the system, Aging Out of the Foster Care System: Challenges and Opportunities for the State of Michigan: Young adults out of foster care are 51 percent more likely to be unemployed, adoption essay topics, 27 percent more likely to be incarcerated, and 42 percent more likely to be teenage parents, and 25 percent more likely to be homeless.

Within four years, 60 percent of them will have had a child Anderson, With the rising numbers of children in adoption essay topics foster care system, adoption essay topics, the problem of youth ageing out of the system and not succeeding in life will only become worse if nothing is done about it Anderson, With them being at a disadvantage during childhood and growing up to a disadvantage in adulthood, these factors can a huge negative impact on society.

They may need to be placed on welfare due their higher chance of being unemployed, which will cost the government and taxpayers even more money in addition to the cost of raising them as children.

It also cost money to have adoption essay topics in prison, adoption essay topics, and support them if they become teenage parents. Making the adoption process fair adoption essay topics single adults increases the likelihood of giving more children in foster care a better childhood, a chance at a successful adulthood, and easing the financial burden on the U.

Government and its taxpayers. Giving qualified single adults the opportunity to give these children a better future and loving home and have a positive adoption essay topics on all of society. With more stable adults coming from stable homes, adoption essay topics, this decreases the chances of unemployment, adoption essay topics, teenage adoption essay topics, and imprisonment. Imagine growing up in an abusive household or being given up as a baby and not knowing where you came from and being placed in foster care or adoption facility.

You may be placed in and out of different foster families throughout your life, but never the permanent and loving home that you need, adoption essay topics. Some of the foster families you have lived with may have adoption essay topics sufficient, other foster homes have had abusive foster parents, or other children in their care may have abused you also.

You eventually turn 18, a legal adult, and are told to gather all of your belongings so that you can leave. Imagine being forced out of the only home you knew, without knowing a stable home or being taught the basic skills of surviving in the everyday world, adoption essay topics. This process happens to over 20, adults coming out of the foster care system all over the U. It is also wondered why risk adopting a child that comes from an abusive home and has a risk of mental health problems, or why go through with the difficult process as a single adult by competing with two-parent families to adopt a child.

Single adults may be single by no fault of their own or adoption essay topics may choose to be single by choice. Either way, a single adult have the same needs and urges to nurture a child so they pursue parenthood just like any other adult.

Single adults that pursue adoption want to love and provide a home for the unwanted children in foster care, even the ones with special needs. Not only do single adults have to endure negativity to adopt a child from adoption agencies, they may endure criticism from the people that are closest to them. Family and friends of these single adults that are attempting to adopt can be discouraging by telling them to get married first or by telling them that they cannot raise a child on their own.

For many singles, family and friends maybe the biggest obstacle that you have to overcome before even beginning adoption procedures Prowler, She also states that single men may have it even tougher when it comes to overcoming obstacles. Their motives are highly questioned and they may get asked intimate questions about their sexuality and their reasoning behind wanting to adopt a child as a single man.

The disciplines that are used to adoption essay topics this complex, adoption essay topics, real world problem are Sociology, Economics, and Psychology. Sociology is one of the most important disciplines that will be used to address the problem of discrimination of single adults in the adoption process because the family structure in America has drastically changed the this discipline helps to address this fact.

Sociology not only deals with the individual, it deals with family structure also. The next discipline that is used to address this complex issue would be Economics. Not allowing eligible single adults adopt fairly is hurting the American society financially, and the Economic discipline helps to address this issue, adoption essay topics. Sociology and Economics are discussed first because they are the more important of all three of the disciplines that are discussed and they have the biggest impact on the groups that are being discussed.

Although Sociology and Economics are the more important disciplines, the complex problem of the discrimination of single adults in the adoption process cannot be fully addressed without discussing the discipline of Psychology, which discusses the mental well-being of the children that are in the foster care system.

In order to have a better understanding of the complex issue of discrimination of single adults in the adoption process, we must be able to make use of the interdisciplinary process in order to have a good understanding of this issue. Adoption essay topics this interdisciplinary problemof the different models that can be used to address the problem, the comprehensive model will be used by giving the information, facts, and conclusion from each discipline in order to fully address the complex problem of discrimination against single adults in the adoption process Repko, Singles: The New Nuclear Family.

Marketing Charts, adoption essay topics. Ellewood, D. The Changing Structure of American Families. Journal of the American Planning Association 27 1, Retrieved February 14,from Academic Search Complete Database. Economics Anderson, G. Psychology Additional Sources Repko, A.

Interdisciplinary Practice: A Student Guide to Research and Writing, adoption essay topics. Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing. Prowler, M Single Parent Adoption: What You Need to Know, adoption essay topics. National Adoption Center. Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System. College essay topics to write about Adopting a Child, adoption essay topics. com, Jun 26, Accessed October 7, comJun College Essay Topics to Write about Adopting a Child.

Contents 1 Discrimination of Single Adults in the Adoption Process: An Interdisciplinary Approach 2 Introduction 3 Background 4 References, adoption essay topics. Did you like this example? Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept? Studydriver writers will make clear, mistake-free work for you! Get help with your assigment. Leave your email and we will send a sample to you. Email Send me the sample. Thank you! Please check your inbox.

What adopted children think you should know

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adoption essay topics

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