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Do Violent Video Games make People Violent? - Words | Research Paper Example
NOTE: We at Conservapedia do not care if a movie is considered a "classic" or that it's a famous movie that many people have nostalgia for. Just because people love movies doesn't mean that Hollywood isn't anti violence in video game essay to push a liberal agenda with them. While a good amount of great conservative films are produced every year, Hollywood continues to produce films that attempt to normalize and aggrandize anti violence in video game essay lifestyles and liberal bias.
Below is a list of some of the more anti violence in video game essay examples:. On a side note, Sausage Party has attracted a great deal of criticism on two additional issues. First, the animators worked under poor, cruel conditions and were forced by the directors to work overtime without pay. Thirty-six of the 83 animators were blacklisted and went uncredited in the film, anti violence in video game essay, believed to be due to their complaints; comments made in anonymous interviews of some of the animators involved in the project by VarietyThe Washington Postand The Hollywood Reporter alleged that the comments were accurate.
All the animators in the film were told outright that they would be blacklisted if they did not work overtime without pay. The incident occurred only once, and the theater apologized, while Rogen tweeted that the story "made his day".
IMDb Internet Movie Database is an internet based database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content and these works rated in terms of their quality.
Wikipediaan online encyclopedia founded by an atheist and agnosticanti violence in video game essay, has not "Atheist films" or "List of atheist films" articles, but it does have a "List of Christian films" article. Because of these departures from the gospel narratives—and especially a brief scene wherein Jesus and Mary Magdalene consummate their marriage—several Christian groups organized vocal protests and boycotts of the film prior to and upon its release.
One protest, organized by a religious Californian radio station, gathered protesters to picket the headquarters of Universal Studios' then-parent company MCA, anti violence in video game essay. One of the protestors dressed up as MCA's Chairman Lew Wasserman and pretended to drive nails through Jesus' hands into a wooden cross. Evangelist Bill Bright offered to buy the film's negative from Universal in order to destroy it.
The protests were effective in convincing several theater chains not to screen the film. One of those chains, General Cinemas, later apologized to Scorsese for doing so. Mother Angelica, a Catholic nun and foundress of Eternal Word Television Network, described Last Temptation as "the most blasphemous ridicule of the Eucharist that's ever been perpetrated in this world" and "a holocaust movie that has the power to destroy souls eternally. As of Julythe film continues to be banned in the Philippines and Singapore.
Gaston is a conservative and hardworking hunter who is considered by the villagers to be their town hero, but is shown to be the main villain of the movie it should also be noted that in the original screenplay for the film, Gaston was intended to be a Marquess [French nobleman], meaning the decision to make him a conservative and hardworking hunter was made after a rewrite. In addition, although not to the same degree as other Disney films that came after it i. In addition, Belle's love for Beast where it is implied that she was largely unaware of the Beast being formerly a human prince could be seen as promoting bestiality.
Also, it is the first Disney movie to neither show nor hint at the two love interests getting married, and in fact, the only "wedding" in the film was the one Belle ruined, creating negative implications about marriage anti violence in video game essay a result, as well as starting a string of movies that don't paint marriage in a positive light. Similarly, the only three females in the film who are implicitly supportive of marriage and Christianity are demeaned, depicted as dumb blondes with the script and credits explicitly referring anti violence in video game essay them derogatorily as "the bimbettes.
According to Don Hahn, there were also several overtones of a pro-homosexual agenda within the film, including choice lyrics of the mob song late into the film, largely because of the executive producer, Howard Ashman, being homosexual and dying from AIDS at the time the film was made and wanting to push the idea of being "ostracized" for his suffering from AIDS.
Potts interjecting "Which should cause several husbands alarm. In addition, anti violence in video game essay, Maurice is depicted as slightly addled and eccentric, as well as being naïve such as thinking Gaston was a good match for Belle despite the story making clear he wasn'tand while he does try to go out of his way to save Belle in the midway point of the film, he ultimately needs saving twice and is unable to save Belle at all, which makes it debatable as to just how pro-family anti violence in video game essay narrative actually was.
In addition, some elements of the film were later reused in the definitely liberal Maleficent movie. Not only is it an atrocious and needless artistic decision of the filmmakers to needlessly incorporate diversity simply for the sake of it, but the film version of Beauty and the Beast also serves as an example that liberals can legitimately shoehorn the homosexual agenda into Disney films. Adding salt to the wound, the filmmakers also further changed history to suit their feminist agenda, similar to previous Disney films like MulanPocahontas and The Princess and the Frog most infamously, anti violence in video game essay, the villagers are shown to be explicitly intolerant of Belle learning how to read and teaching girls to do the same, smashing her washing machine in the process, despite the fact that the namesake for the village in this film, Mdm.
Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, the original author for the fairy tale, was herself a woman. The film version of Beauty and the Beast is now even more of a feminist propaganda film than the animated film version ever was. There were also hints at an anti-war message due to Gaston being turned into a war veteran. On the other hand, there were also several surprisingly Conservative messages in the film, significantly more than in the version.
Namely, Christianity is treated in a far more positive light in this film than in the version as one of the few friends Belle has in this version is the village Chaplain named Pere Robert who is shown to be sympathetic to her bibliophilic nature and also attempts to prevent Maurice from anti violence in video game essay sent to the Asylum, and later is shown to be horrified at the formation of the mob against the Beast it is to be noted that in the original film, the character in question was merely a bookseller, not a priest, and most of the villagers, implied to be devout Christians, were demonized in the filmwhich was also surprisingly accurate to history despite the aforementioned changing of history in the film in real history, Christianity, especially the Catholic Church, actively encouraged literacy, writing, anti violence in video game essay, and arithmetic among both genders, with girls being taught in convents or at the home.
In addition, Maurice actually is shown to be more proactive in this film, such as directly refusing Gaston's attempt at marrying Belle and even attempting to expose Gaston as an attempted murderer and psychopath, and also plays a direct role in saving Belle and himself from the paddywagon after she exposes Beast to the villagers in the original film, although he does set out to try and find Belle and save her after trying to get the villagers to help failed, he ultimately required saving by her due to catching an illness during his trek, and ultimately needed saving alongside Belle via Chip, anti violence in video game essay.
In addition, Lumiere as well as the featherduster named Plumette in this version are shown to be an actual loving couple in the original film, it is heavily implied that Lumiere was a frequent womanizer and that the featherduster was also sexually looseand the remake also doesn't demonize traditional marriage nearly as much as in the version notably, the remake cut out Gaston's wedding proposal as well as Belle shoving Gaston into mud in front of attendees.
The forgiveness and redemption theme was also significantly more emphasized in the remake, due to Beast ultimately forgiving Maurice after learning why he had tried to steal the rose and even allowing Belle to save Maurice specifically to make up for his past behavior, with Maurice also forgiving Beast upon Belle showing him the baby rattle originally, Maurice was a bit more hesitant to forgive the Beast. It is also shown to be significantly more pro-family as well, as not only is Belle shown to be loyal to her father like in the original, but as noted above, Maurice himself took measures to protect Belle and notably agreed with Belle that Gaston would not have worked out for her originally, Maurice also thought Gaston was alright for herand he also was shown to be very protective of Belle after his wife had died from the plague, with Belle's mom specifically sacrificing herself by telling them to leave her behind to allow Belle a healthy life.
In addition, according to the film's director Bill Condon as well as one of the triplets' actresses, Rafaelle Cohen, the reason the triplets were intensely jealous and spiteful of Belle was because their mother neglected them while doting on Belle, showcasing the dangers of parental neglect. That all being said, however, despite the definite anti-gun and anti-hunting themes, the film does portray the military in a fairly positive light, as General Rogarth was shown to be even-headed and only willing to use military force if confronted with evidence requiring for it, also making clear that he was not happy about bringing out an implied large military force for what was apparently a hoax, and while the military does try to attack the Iron Giant late into the film, it was only because they had been manipulated into doing so by Kent Mansley by the latter lying about the giant killing Hogarth Hughes, and only when confronted with evidence that Hogarth had in fact been alive did the military stand down.
In addition, when Hogarth left to investigate the evidence of a "martian" taking out an antenna, he proceeded to salute a photograph of his father, who was implied to have died during World War II. Also has a positive portrayal of the American icon Superman in it. There's also an anti-materialist message in it as well as an anti violence in video game essay Christian message, as Hogarth talks to the Giant about how humans and other forms of life possess souls that live on even after their mortal bodies die.
That said, however, it does have an anti-LGBT agenda message as well, as two characters who were LGBT, Enrique Salvatore and Enid Wexlin, are depicted in an extremely negative light, as the former was discovered to have been committing perjury against the defendant by inferring that she slept with him for three months as part of an attempt to frame her for murder, and the latter was depicted as an obnoxious individual who pushes radical feminism including trying to change "semester" anti violence in video game essay "ovester" due to thinking semester meant "semen"and eventually gets called out upon later in the film, anti violence in video game essay.
The prequel trilogy also had some implied pot-shots at then-president George W. A similar promotion of moral relativity and postmodernism was shown in Return of the Jedi where Obi-Wan admitted that his claim that Vader killed Anakin Skywalker was "true from a certain point of view," as well as further elaborating his claim by stating that " a great many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view.
In addition, anti violence in video game essay, the Trade Federation and its motives in The Phantom Menace was crafted by George Lucas to be a negative response to the Republican Revolution ofand in particular Newt Gingrich's Contract with America with Gingrich himself being a partial namesake of the main villain, Viceroy Nute Gunray.
Attack of the Clones and to a lesser extent Revenge of the Sith also had very blatant anti-war themes and a very negative portrayal of the military, as a large part of the plot involved creating a military for the republic and in the case of Revenge of the Siththe near end of the Clone Warswith the narrative strongly implying that even forming a military at all was somehow a threat to freedom. To a lesser extent, the Prequel trilogy also has a negative depiction of family values, since it's implied that even holding attachments to family or trying to start a family leads directly to turning to the Dark Side, with Yoda even stating that such acted as "the shadow of greed.
He can't let go of his mother his girlfriend It makes you greedy. And when you're greedy, you are on the path to the dark side because you fear that you're going to lose things. You fear you're not going to have the power you need. In addition, the director for Episode VII: The Force AwakensJ, anti violence in video game essay.
Abramsadmitted in a press release that he deliberately made Finn black in order to ensure diversity among the characters, hinting at it pushing the leftist diversity agenda.
Ian McDiarmid, the actor who played the saga's main villain Emperor Palpatinehad also implied in an interview with The Guardian around the time Revenge of the Sith was released that George Lucas had deliberately made the films for primarily eight-year olds specifically to indoctrinate them into Lucas' leftist view of the world.
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi also received strong criticism for its apparent 'SJW' bias [] It is also speculated that the leftist POV pushing caused fans to boycott the film Solo: A Star Wars Story. Abrams also heavily implied that the then-in-development final episode The Rise of Skywalker will feature homosexuals as part of "representation", anti violence in video game essay which was ultimately confirmed in pre-release screenings, anti violence in video game essay, where two members of the Resistance, both female, engaged in an on-screen kiss while celebrating a major victory against the First Order.
Home Random Watchlist Settings Log in About Conservapedia Disclaimers. Last modified on October 5,at Essay:Worst Liberal Movies talk page. Film Year Rating Comments Gross Domestic The 5th Wave PG The military consists of evil aliens in what was overall a failed franchise that couldn't get on the recent young adult book-to-film bandwagon.
The first film was proven to be alarmingly similar to the film Planet of the Vampires[1] but since it fitted the left's agenda, they didn't care and gave it biased reviews anyway. The second film, Aliensis an anti-Vietnam statement [2] and, just like its predecessor, copies another previous feature in this case, the film Them! Johnson is a good example of a historical revisionist film, palatable for liberals' regressive dominion of the media. Liberals seized the opportunity with the film to distort history in order to hold Johnson in high regard and also ignored many of the President's faults, including his racism, the War on Poverty and how it created a welfare state which, by design, destroyed untold numbers of African American families.
American Psycho R Don't be fooled by the false patriotic title. It's the most Anti-American film you'll ever see because it attempts to pass an Investment Banker off as a secret serial killer. The film plays out like an angry middle school boy's fan fiction revenge story, in which all the bankers are summarily executed as in the Russian Revolution.
When mutinying, the sailors murder a Christian chaplain aboard, which is shown as an act of "heroism". In the end, one of the coaches, anti violence in video game essay, who was a sheriff in Texas, was able to get the player and his illegal mother a way to stay.
So it was also favorable toward illegal immigration. It was the first ever film to be shown at the White House under Democrat President Woodrow Wilsonand it significantly influenced his already-racist core to segregate the White House and various departments. Blue State R What looks like a romantic comedy actually encourages the false idea that liberalism must be established and conservatism abolished in America, as the main character follows up on his absurd vow to move to Canada if George W.
Bush is re-elected president. Bob Roberts R This anti-conservative propaganda piece, directed by leftist Tim Robbins and released during the election, has a similar premise to that of The Candidate and denigrates conservatives. He tries to blame COVID on Donald Trump and falsely accuses him of being a fascist.
He makes matters worse when he harasses patriots like Mike Pence and Rudy Giuliani and falsely portrays them as pedophiles. Born on the Fourth of July R This radically anti- Vietnam War biographical film was produced and directed by Communist sympathizer and twice wounded Vietnam War veteran Oliver Stone, starring Tom Cruise as paralyzed Vietnam War vet-turned-anti-Vietnam War leftist protester and Communist sympathizer Ron Kovic.
It was released during the election year as a smear campaign against Richard Nixon and his conservative colleagues. Conservative star James Stewart refused to star in it for that reason. This paints America soldiers as the bad guys while failing to acknowledge how the Viet Cong, Khmer Rouge, and other Communist Insurgents did the same thing to a far larger scale.
The film greatly over-hypes this risk of a nuclear accident or meltdown and the resultant damage. This film, along with the Three Mile Island incident which occurred shortly after the film's releaseare both credited for killing the nuclear power industry in America.
Depicts police as thugs recruited from street gangs. The Contender R This film about the presidential election is little more than a pro- Al Gore propaganda piece by liberal studio executives and Hollywood values. Conservative star Gary Oldman also told IGN that the film was to supposed to be apolitical, but it was edited to vilify Republicans.
Romero's Night of the Living Dead is against capitalism because the consumers are zombies. These themes, promoted by Marxist director Guillermo del Toro, were later expanded upon in Pan's Labyrinth. Strangelove or: How Anti violence in video game essay Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb NR Loosely based on Peter George's thriller novel Red Alertthis black comedy is against war, the military, anti violence in video game essay, and nuclear weaponry and tries to downplay the seriousness of Cold War-era fears of a nuclear apocalypse.
This was made with direct input of Mao Zedong himself. The film depicts Mao as the "savior" of China, and has many typical pro-Communist messages one would expect.
Unknown The Eternal Jew NR This anti-Semitic Nazi anti violence in video game essay film was made with direct input from Adolf Hitler, who made sure the anti-Semitism was as blunt and direct as possible. Most audiences were shocked at the crudity of the messages. The title was also taken from Fahrenheita book that warned people about book burnings, proving that not only do liberals steal titles from other works, but aren't even creative on how to have the titles directly connect to their works.
It's a typical un-American Hollywood film with "The narrative that Karl Rove and Dick Cheney 's Chief of Staff Scooter Libby were nefarious behind-the-scenes players intent on destroying innocent reputations while pushing the nation into war on false pretenses. Many debunked controversies are highlighted in the plot. Both McCain and Palin denounced the film and called it fiction.
The War Against Video Games
, time: 44:44Community Responds to Gun Violence During CD Panthers Youth Football Game | South Seattle Emerald

Jun 17, · Subsequently, anti-game scholars indicate that the same could happen as a result of video violence. Ferguson reiterates that this is a fallacy since records indicate that violent crimes in the U.S. population decreased in the s, which is when the violent video games began to become popular and increasingly violent as the years progressed 2 days ago · Based on a video game franchise on the same name. The worst offender is Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, where the villain is a Christian who releases a deadly virus (called the T-virus) which will destroy the human race and have him and rich colleagues rebuild the Oct 01, · Last Saturday, Sept. 25, at around 2 p.m. at Judkins Park, home of the CD Panthers youth football team, a weekend game was interrupted by a stream of gunfire. The park, while filled with youth, parents, and community supporters, was extremely close
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