Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Aol homework help high school

Aol homework help high school

aol homework help high school

AOL offered the first real-time homework help service (the Teacher Pager—; prior to this, AOL provided homework help bulletin boards), the first service by children, for children (Kids Only Online, ), the first online service for parents (the Parents Information Network, ), the first online courses (), the first omnibus Mar 18,  · There is another good source of information on high school students’ homework over several decades. homework,” and 11% saying there is “too much homework.” A AP-AOL poll found the Sep 15,  · As the High School President and Model UN participant, I am a highly driven high school student who would help Greenville City Council’s administrative challenges. I know the main duties for this position will be to maintain a professional relationship with visitors and answering multi-line phones and transferring calls to staff members

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AOL Search delivers comprehensive listings and one-click access to relevant web results, images, videos, maps and more. You get the complete search experience: a wide variety of results in one try, without the need to perform additional searches. When you look for information online, where do you turn first?

For many people, the answer is a search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo or AOL Search. Essentially, a search engine is a digital index. Like an index in a book, the search index takes available content and arranges it by topic and sub-topic. Each search engine compiles its index using its own frequently refined methods. Most indexes start with an automated program known as a spider or crawler that visits sites in a network such as the internet and uses keywords or phrases on each page to classify the information it finds, aol homework help high school.

Once it has completed indexing, the spider uses links to other sites to find more new content to index. The index for a printed book is alphabetically searchable. The reader turns to the back of the book, selects the appropriate topic from the list and uses aol homework help high school provided page numbers to find the reference. Search engines' indexes contain millions of pages, so alphabetical searching is impractical; instead, they rely on a different standard -- query language -- to help users find what they're looking for.

For example, aol homework help high school, is someone who searches for "eagles" looking for information about the birds, the football team or the band? The answer might depend on factors such as the season or the searcher's geographic aol homework help high school -- to aol homework help high school the search engine can adjust accordingly.

Have you ever looked at a search results page and wondered what all the features mean? This lesson will explain what each element is and how it can help get you to the results you want, quickly and efficiently. Understanding these features will allow you to get the most out of your search experience. Sponsored links are advertisements that appear at the top of the search results page. It is easy to recognize sponsored links because they have a slightly colored background behind them. Unlike magazine or television ads that target a broad audience, search ads are tailored to what you are looking for.

Search advertisers participate in a keyword auction to purchase ads on the search results page. Later, when a user enters that keyword into the search box, the winning ads are displayed on the page. The order in which the ads appear for a given keyword depends on a number of factors, the most important of which are highest bid and keyword relevance. This combination helps ensure you are seeing ads that are most meaningful to you, and that advertisers are reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in their products.

In this case, the frozen pizza ad may appear third behind the national chain and the local pizza parlor. For some searches, you may notice an extra line of text below the sponsored links results. These are additional web offers, and they give you the opportunity to see ads for search terms similar to the one you entered into the box.

Organic links form the bulk of the results for most search terms, aol homework help high school. Organic links appear below the sponsored links and are ordered based on a ranking of their relevance to the query entered in the box.

Organic search results are determined by a formula used by the search engine. For some queries, the top organic results may be the same or very similar to the sponsored links.

Because AOL has a content network covering news, entertainment, lifestyle, aol homework help high school, sports and other topics such as maps and weather, we sometimes display a result that shows some of this information aol homework help high school the top organic result. The type of information included in the Featured Result will vary based on the query entered. When you begin entering your query into AOL Search, you may notice that a drop-down menu containing search terms opens below the search box.

This is the search aol homework help high school feature that is designed to help save you time and eliminate typographical errors by offering you suggestions based on what you type. Clicking on one of these terms will execute a search for that term.

Related searches are links that appear at the bottom of the AOL Search results page, aol homework help high school. These are terms similar to the one you entered that may be helpful in either expanding or narrowing your search results, aol homework help high school.

If you select one of these options, aol homework help high school, aol homework help high school will see a new results page with both sponsored and organic links for the new term. The search history feature is available only to users who have logged into the system.

It is accessible via the Sign In link in the search page header and is intended to help you find and use recent searches. Your searches can be sorted further by type -- web results and images. This can be very handy for comparison shopping, online research and other activities where you may wish to revisit the same searches several times over.

By default, your search history is saved for 30 days aol homework help high school then removed. You can also manually remove searches that you do not wish to retain for the full day period by clicking on the History drop-down arrow on the top right of the search page and click the Clear link. You can also delete individual search terms by clicking on the Go to Search History link and by clicking on the trash bin icon to the right of the query term.

You can narrow the scope of the results you receive by using the symbols provided in the below table. This can be particularly helpful when you are looking for very specific information on a wide topic.

Keep in mind that the more criteria you add, the fewer results you will receive. You may need to experiment a bit in order to figure out how much narrowing is required in order to get the ideal results. Authenticated browsing gives you the opportunity to take advantage of some of AOL Search's more advanced features. You may login with any AIM or AOL Username via the Sign In link in the header.

This helps us to show you results for your specific geographic area as well as to give you access to your search history. We frequently receive questions from users who are looking for ways to find local information more efficiently.

This isn't surprising given that the percentage of local search queries grows every year. Knowing how to conduct effective local searches can help you more easily find resources in your community.

In this post, we'll look at several different types of local searches and some of the resources that AOL Search builds in to make your local search experience even better. People are being much more frugal these days, so doing your homework before you make a purchase is especially important now. Whether you're just beginning to research a purchase, comparing prices or buying a specific item, AOL Search aol homework help high school help you make your shopping decisions.

In this lesson, we'll look at some techniques you can use to incorporate web search more effectively during the purchase process. When you're beginning to research a purchase, you may want to start by comparing several makes or models. There are numerous sites online that can help you find ratings and reviews, and the best way to start is often with a simple keyword search.

If you already have an idea of which cameras you'll be considering, you can also try a keyword search for a brand or a specific product line. For example, try:. We rely on web search to help us find all kinds of information, from consumer reports to local news to book reviews and even long-lost friends from high school. But finding the information you're looking for depends on your ability to effectively ask the search engine for information; in other words, your web search results can only be as good as the query you build aol homework help high school produce them.

In this section, we'll look at building queries from the ground up. We'll start with simple keyword queries before looking at the effect of expanding and narrowing language, aol homework help high school. When you type a simple keyword into a search box, the search engine will look through its index to find sites where your keyword appears and then return the best results based on relevance and popularity.

Aol homework help high school single keyword will usually return results that are much too broad for your needs. In these cases, you can begin to combine words into keyword phrases. Try out the following and compare them to the simple keywords above:. Now, rather than getting results that contain only one word, you'll get a list of sites that contain all of the words in your query.

Keyword searches can contain any number of words, but keep in mind that the more words you use, the fewer results you're likely to see. In order to help you decide what level of detail you need, take a moment to consider what results you'd like to get back. Let's look at Chicago pizza, one of the examples from above.

What kind of information are you looking for? Are you looking for information about Chicago-style pizza? Restaurants located in the city of Chicago? Pizza recipes? Click the links below to see examples of results for each type of query:. Aol homework help high school you are still not finding the information you need, you can try refining your search some more by adding to or changing parts of your keyword phrase.

Expanding and narrowing your query allows you to add or subtract from the result set by setting additional parameters for your search. A few of the most common and useful examples include:, aol homework help high school. Search for exact matches using quotation marks When you conduct a keyword search, the results will contain all of your keywords but not necessarily as one phrase. If you only want to see results with the words in the exact order you specify, you can enclose the phrase in quotation marks to limit the results to pages that contain all of the words in order.

This can be helpful if your phrase contains several common words. Compare these results with the ones above. Notice that the name is an exact match, but biography may appear anywhere within the results:. If you only want to see some search results and not others, you can specify keywords to exclude from the results. Note that the minus sign has to be immediately in front of the excluded word no spaces. For aol homework help high school. Use OR to find either of two terms When you use the word OR in your search you can specify that you want two separate types of results.

This can be handy for comparing prices, statistics, product reviews, etc. The easiest way to search on AOL Search is to simply type a word or a aol homework help high school that describes what you're looking for in the search box on search. comthen click Search or press the Enter key. If you are looking for images or video information, try one of our specialized search features.

Just select the appropriate link below the search box. The date range filter allows you to see search results that have been updated within a specific time period.

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, time: 6:41

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aol homework help high school

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